Technology is offering a new fix for one of the most confounding health-care challenges: getting patients with chronic disease to take better care of themselves.
Diabetes: Keeping the condition at bay
Prediabetes—higher-than-normal blood sugar—increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prediabetes affects 86 million adults, or more than one in three, and as many as 30% of them will develop diabetes within five years unless they lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise.
While many health plans and insurers offer diabetes-prevention plans, the lifestyle changes to ward off diabetes can require daily hand-holding, so more are looking for ways to deliver such programs digitally. In collaboration with the American Medical Association, Salt Lake City-based Intermountain Healthcare, with 22 hospitals and 185 clinics, is pilot-testing an online program provided by San Francisco-based Omada Health for patients at risk for diabetes. The yearlong program starts with a core 16-week online course on better lifestyle habits, and assigns patients to a personal health coach and private online support forum with moderated discussions.
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October 2023