Edward R Jones, MD, MBA, FACP LaRhondd James, RN Sophid Rosen, PhD
Ann Mooney MSN, RN, CNN Educardo Lacson, Jr., MD, MPH, FACP
Modalities of renal replacement therapy are categorized into in-center hemodialysis and home therapies. A subset of hemodialysis patients referred to as in-center self-care hemodialysis (ICSCHD) receive patient training as if they were going home but instead perform their dialysis in-center with minimal staff support. Preliminary data suggests ICSCHD is associated with better outcomes than traditional in-center hemodialysis. We looked at ICSCHD patients initiating maintenance dialysis from April 1, 2011 to March 30, 2014 and compared them at a 1:2 ratio to propensity-score matched controls from surrounding facilities within the same catchment area. The median follow-up was 14 months. Patients on ICSCHD had lower mortality rate (0.02 vs 0.07 per patient year; p <0.05), fewer hospitalization events (0.82 vs. 1.70 per patient year; p = 0.008) and fewer missed treatments (1.1% vs 3.8% of all treatments; p = 0.005) than matched controls. We concluded that patients on ICSCHD had lower mortality rates and fewer hospital days than well-matched controls and spent more time on dialysis and missed fewer treatments. Establishing a facility-wide culture of care promoting patient engagement in ICSCHD may have contributed to these findings.
Read More: http://www.nephrology-digital.com/September2016/Default/15/0?token=B59Z96FC30M2ZXKN
Via: OncoMed Results Expected in the First Half of 2017 NN&I interviewed Leslie Trigg, CEO of Outset Medical, on the company's new Tablo dialysis machine, which is aimed at clinics who want to develop the self-care option for patients. By: Sarah S. Prichard, MD, FRCP(C) Glenn M. Chertow, MD, MPH Innovator: Leslie Trigg Via: MedtechWomen MedtechVision 2016: Global Medtech Via: MedCity News Last week, Omada Health, a San Francisco digital health startup, announced that it is partnering with the American Medical Association and Intermountain Healthcare, the Salt Lake City, Utah-based health system, to prevent the onset of diabetes in adult patients. |
October 2023