"....Outset Medical, based in San Jose, California, seeks to empower dialysis patients through technology.
Outset’s Tablo device aims to transform dialysis in the way ATMs have done for banking and self-checkout kiosks for grocery shopping.
The Tablo, which resembles a dormitory refrigerator, breaks down the act of dialyzing in simple steps. Patients and/or technicians are given prompts on a video screen. Concentrates required for the session come in modules easily installed into the machine, which in turn can be connected to a sink faucet, bypassing the need to purify the water supply. There is also no need for 'stringing' — the need to push tubing throughout the device much in the same way an old film projector is threaded. Patients can hook themselves up in about 10 minutes and as quickly as six minutes, according to Outset CEO Leslie Trigg."
Read More: http://catalyst.nejm.org/the-big-business-of-dialysis-care/